Management Muse

Management Muse provides organizational best practices through an exploration of new science, classic research, and interviews with smart, interesting people. Hosted by Cindi Baldi and Geoffrey Tumlin, Management Muse inspires better work performance.

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Tuesday Apr 26, 2022

Transitions are tough, even if you are a war hero. In this episode of Management Muse, former U.S. Army Special Operations (Ranger) officer and founder of the management consulting firm Praevius Group, Nate Self, talks about the most challenging transitions in his life, and shares his advice for more smoothly navigating work and home transitions. Episode HighlightsTransitions can be: Structured or unstructured, abrupt or deliberate, and voluntary or involuntary.When possible, try to consider the complexities of transitions before making them.Abrupt and involuntary transitions are often particularly jarring.Group membership and other external resources, such as family, communities, religion, hobbies, etc, can provide critical support and stability during transitions.Timestamps [1:43] Nate gives examples of different types of transitions, including structured vs. unstructured, abrupt vs. deliberate, and voluntary vs. involuntary. [6:25] Nate talks about the importance of considering the challenges and complexities of transitions before making them. [9:50] Nate describes the value of considering important relationships during transitions. [13:26] Nate shares recommendations for managers, leaders, and organizations to help individuals make good transitions. [20:03] Geoff describes multiple role theory, and how it relates to transitions. [30:29] Cindi shares an example of how one person’s transition can spur transitions for people close to them. [36:44] Geoff notes that managers are often the instigators of abrupt change for other people, and Nate shares how managers can blunt some of the counterproductive impacts of fast change. [39:15] The group discusses final transition advice for managers. Episode Quotes “The number one thing that’s at stake in your transitions is the relationships that you have. I think it’s the most important part of our lives. Our jobs are typically the source of most of our transitions… But there are some transitions that are relationship-based, and those are the most painful ones. Sometimes, when we change roles or we change jobs, we unknowingly have collateral damage in our relationships. So, that’s one of the things I would want to emphasize: You have to account for your relationships first.” -Nate Self “People have a tendency, when they feel uncertainty, to just make a decision, even if it’s a bad decision, because they just want to get out of uncertainty. Discipline yourself not to do that. Live with uncertainty and get yourself in a better spot.” – Cindi Baldi About Nate Self Nate is a former U.S. Army officer and founder of the Praevius Group Nate graduated from West Point with honors and served on active duty in Germany, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Nate speaks extensively on the topics of transition and personal growth, and he lives in Central Texas with his wife and four children. Resources Ashforth, Blake. Role transitions in organizational life: An identity-based perspective. Routledge, 2000. Kyprianides, A., M. J. Easterbrook, and R. Brown. "Group identities benefit well-being by satisfying needs." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 84 (2019): 103836. Brook, Amara T., Julie Garcia, and Monique A. Fleming. "The effects of multiple identities on psychological well-being." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34.12 (2008): 1588-1600.

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022

Mistakes are a part of life, but when they happen in business, they can be costly. That's why Management Muse brought you this episode, to help you identify a common management mistake—question substitution error—and to improve your own decision-making skills. Today, Cindi and Geoff discuss substitution error, which happens when our brains unconsciously replace the tougher questions in our day-to-day lives with simpler ones, because our brains are constantly trying to help us find shortcuts. The substitution error occurs at work and at home, and almost happened to Cindi and Geoff as a very costly mistake on vacation. This episode also covers the destructive impact of exhaustion, hunger, and decision fatigue on our decision making. Cindi and Geoff also talk about how hiring can end up as a question substitution error (Do I like this person?(easy) instead of Is this person likely to be successful in this job?(harder), and how to reduce the negative effect of question substitution at work and at home. Episode Highlights:Question substitution occurs when our brains default to simpler questions, like How do I feel right now?(simple), instead of How do I feel about the issue I’m facing? (harder).When hiring new employees, it’s easy to ask ourselves how we feel about a person. The harder question is whether the interviewee will be successful in the position.When our brain senses that something is hard, it tries to reduce the cognitive load by simplifying, or by looking for a quicker and easier rule of thumb to generate an answer. That’s often helpful, but not always. When we are tired or in decision fatigue, we’ll often agree to anything, just to get out of the decision-making situation, or we’ll select the safest, most conservative decision. Both of these shortcuts replace a harder question (What should we actually decide?) with an easier question (How do I get out of this mentally taxing situation quickly?).Time Stamps: [5:06] Deep dive into question substitution and how the brain routinely substitutes the hard questions into simpler ones to reduce our cognitive load [16:09] How the unpredictability of job interviews encourages question substitution [26:15] How tiredness, hunger, and repeated decisions cause decision fatigue [35:04] How to cope with the hard questions to reduce management errors [44:26] How to move toward better decisions Episode Resources: Thinking Fast and Slow (2011) by Daniel Kahneman, Penguin: New York. See Chapter 9: Answering an Easier Question.Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength (2011) by Roy Baumeister and James Tierney, Penguin: New York.Danziger, S., Levav, J., and Avnaim-Pesso, L. (2011) Extraneous factors in judicial decisions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(17), 6889-6892. We incorrectly referred to the Israeli Parole Board study as being from Roy Baumsieter and colleagues, when, in fact, the study is from Shai Danziger referenced above.

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022

Encountering crisis as a leader comes with profound challenges. Having the right plan in place can mitigate the hardships that inevitably arise from crisis. In this episode of Management Muse, retired Marine Corps Lieutenant General Jefferson “Beak” Howell shares his experience leading through crisis and tragedy while Director of the Johnson Space Center during the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. Episode HighlightsClear crisis communication plans with well-defined job responsibilities are integral for efficient crisis management.The failures and successes of previous crisis responses should inform responses to future crises.In addition to the increased job responsibilities of a team facing a crisis, tending to the emotional and mental health toll of individuals involved is part of crisis management.Crises can happen to any organization at any time, so creating a well-planned and practiced crisis response plan is crucial.Timestamps [6:22] General Howell’s description of Space Shuttle Columbia’s mission. [10:05] Causes of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. [14:32] How a previous crisis, the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, informed NASA’s response to the Columbia tragedy. [17:14] How General Howell established his role in the crisis response efforts. [24:45] An example of some of the ways managers can help support their employees and boost morale after a crisis at work. [28:34] General Howell acknowledges the mistakes of leadership, and NASA as a whole, that contributed to the Columbia disaster. [32:43] The importance of having a well-planned and well-practiced crisis response plan. [35:27] General Howell describes the process of creating a plan for the Columbia memorial service, including the U.S. president’s attendance. [41:36] General Howell discusses how his previous experiences in leadership with crisis, loss, and death informed his response to the Columbia disaster. Episode Quotes from Lieutenant General Jeff Howell: “[Because of the] awful tragedy [of the Challenger], NASA had learned some great lessons about organizing and practicing for a disaster, and being ready for a disaster. And the disaster is never quite what you think it’s gonna be, but at least you’re organized, you’ve practiced… And we had all of our disaster control teams and emergency reaction teams organized. They all met and started coming together about collecting evidence and recovery of the wreckage, which was spread out all the way from west of Fort Worth into Louisiana. And we did that, but it was quite an operation.” “I realized that if you allow yourself, in a crisis, to get down in the weeds too much, you lose sight of the big picture. So, as a leader, you’ve got to be thinking about that. You’ve got to be looking up and out two steps ahead of the organization to help the organization move forward and to get things done correctly.” About Lieutenant General (retired) Jefferson Howell: Lieutenant General Jefferson Howell had a 37-year career in the Marine Corps, serving at all officer levels, and then was Commander of the Johnson Space Center. Following his retirement from NASA, he served on the faculty at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. Episode Resources Oral History of General Howell’s time as Johnson Space Center Director at NASA:

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022

Generations of Marine Corps leaders have been inspired by ethos of honor and respect. But what happens when aspirational maxims crash—in a fraction of a second—with a potentially career-ending collision over the Sea of Japan? The answer, according to Lieutenant General (retired) Jeff Howell, is it gets real, because “the farther you go up the flagpole, the easier it is to get shot down.” Our guest on this episode of the Management Muse, Ret. USMC Lt. Gen. Jefferson Howell, takes us on the roller-coaster ride he experienced when a joint exercise he was leading with Japanese fighter pilots went awry mid-air. Howell shares a colorful blow-by-blow account of how he navigated the emotional highs, lows, and unexpected ending that ensued, including a John Paul Jones Award for Inspirational Leadership. Episode Highlights:Mayday: Have you looked at the nose of your plane lately? How General Howell’s fighter jet took a hit during joint training exercises with Japan, and the implications.From blood brothers to the doghouse. Howell manages through a long, stomach-turning wait in a no-frills hotel room.When a call from the top commander of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces turns the tide.General Howell determines, in a quiet moment, to commit himself above all to learning and imparting model leadership principles.Timestamps: [8:56] The play-by-play of a harrowing scramble over the Sea of Japan that left Howell’s jet with its nose clipped. [24:14] What being relieved of command means to a military career. [25:56] General Howell’s crisis after the crisis. [28:40] When a Non-Happening Occurs: The Commander of the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force saves General Howell’s career. [30:30] Ironic Timing: Just a few months later, back in Hawaii, General Howell was awarded the coveted John Paul Jones Award for Inspirational Leadership, the first Marine Corps officer ever to receive the honor. From zero to hero in under 100 days. [32:00] The midnight reflection that inspired Howell to become a student of leadership, weaving together various threads of his career into a cohesive mission. [34:15] Advice for managing heightened emotions in the midst of a roller-coaster crisis. Episode Quotes from Lieutenant General Jeff Howell: “If you’re relieved of command, that just ends your career. Wipes it out. You’re not going to get promoted anymore. You’re not going to get good assignments. You’re laid up on somebody’s staff somewhere.” “I decided from here on out I’m going to become a student of leadership and strive to be the best leader I can possibly be and that’s when I really got dead-serious about following the leadership principles. Prior to that I was sort of playing it by ear and doing okay, but obviously I needed to improve.” “The farther you go up the flagpole, the easier it is to get shot down … It’s remarkable that it all ended up so well and I feel fortunate.” About Lieutenant General (retired) Jefferson Howell: Lieutenant General Jefferson Howell had a 37-year career in the Marine Corps, serving at all officer levels, and then was Commander of the Johnson Space Center. Following his retirement from NASA, he served on the faculty at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. Episode Resources: Oral History of General Howell’s time as Johnson Space Center Director at NASA: UT Austin LBJ School biography of General Howell:

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022

In this episode of Management Muse, we’re joined by retired Marine Corps Lieutenant General Jefferson “Beak” Howell. Beak Howell has managerial experience at all levels of organizations, and he has handled a number of significant crises throughout his distinguished careers in and out of uniform. In this episode, Beak talks about the first crisis he navigated as a squadron commander in the Marines. Beak talks about admitting when you’re wrong and owning up to your mistakes, and he also shares why he believes transparent communication, even in times of crisis, and even when painful, is essential for building strong teams. Episode Highlights:Face crises directly, and find joint solutions to steer teams out of danger.Don’t stick with bad decisions-- admit when you are wrong.It’s usually not too late to repair a relationship.Some crises originate from misunderstandings and miscommunication, but that doesn’t necessarily make them easy to solve.Timestamps: [1:21] The different types of crises that Lieutenant General Howell faced in his career [7:15] The challenges Beak encountered as a squadron commander [9:33] How Beak reconnected with his troops when he found out they were unhappy [11:23] The methods Beak used to help his troops open up about what was bothering them [12:15] How Beak took ownership of his mistakes and learned to be a better leader [19:33] The ways Beak improved systems to prevent similar future incidents [20:49] How open communication strengthened Beak’s squadron [22:22] How transparent communication helped Beak throughout his career [22:45] Some of Beak’s principles of leadership [26:30] The importance of working the problems in a crisis, and managing the emotions in a crisis Episode Quotes from Lieutenant General Jeff Howell: “Every day as a leader is a learning experience. If you don’t keep learning, you’re in trouble.” “I try to approach all levels when I communicate my intent and my ideas and talk about how we should do things. I try to just say that we are all in this together.” “One of the principles of leadership is to communicate with your people. Make sure they have good communication. I strive to do that because you can never communicate enough, but you have to keep trying.” About Lieutenant General Jeff Howell: Lieutenant General Jeff Howell had a 37-year career in the Marine Corps and then was Commander of the Johnson Space Center. Following his retirement from NASA, he served on the faculty at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. Episode Resources: KW: leadership, communication, team building, leadership qualities, transformational leadership

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022

In today's episode, our topic is leadership development in honor of our mentor Howard T. Prince II, a pioneer in leadership education, who passed away last year. We reflect on Howard’s life and contribution to our understanding of leadership. We talk about three myths that Howard disrupted, about his life in the army and in academia, and what a great person he was to know. Howard was a leader who created thousands of other leaders—a light to many candles. He is deeply missed. Episode HighlightsThe crucial difference between experience, reflection, and wisdomBuilding better organizationsLeaving a personal legacyTimestamps [04:00] Understanding the tragedy of psychology[10:25] Howard’s contribution to integrating women into the US Military Academy[23:54] Three important leadership skills—Intelligence (IQ), Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Interpersonal Communication Skills[28:49] 3 myths about leadership[32:16] Transforming toxic organizations into ethical ones[41:48] How Howard got woke in 1970 Standout Quotes from the Episode: "The tragedy of psychology is that people want to change. But they don't reflect enough on the limitations between what they're doing and what they want in order to know how to change. Without reflection, you can't convert experience into wisdom. Without wisdom, you're going to be the same person day in and day out, year in year out.” "When somebody is yelling at you, the only thing you want is to make it end. You'll do anything to make it end, but you're not learning. You're just trying to extinguish whatever that threat is." “It's ethics if it hurts.” - Howard Prince About Howard T. Prince, II: Howard Prince was a 1962 Honor Graduate of West Point who served with distinction as an infantry officer in Vietnam. After sustaining grievous wounds during the battle of Hue, Howard rehabilitated at Walter Reed, and then completed a doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. Howard was assigned as the cadet psychologist at West Point and was then promoted to be the founding department head of West Point’s Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership. In 1990, Howard retired from the Army (and was advanced on the retirement roles to Brigadier General) and became the founding dean of the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond (in Virginia). In 2001, Howard “retired” to Texas, where he was promptly installed as the Director of the Center for Ethical Leadership in the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. He was given West Point’s highest alumni honor, the Distinguished Graduate Award, in 2006. Episode Resources:Prince, H.T., Tumlin, G.R., and Stacey L. Connaughton. “An interdisciplinary Major in Leadership Studies: Rationale, challenges, and template for building an adaptable program. International Leadership Journal 2.1 (2009): 91-128.Prince, Howard. "Teaching leadership: A journey into the unknown." Concepts and connections: A newsletter for leadership educators 9.3 (2001): 1-5.Priest, Robert F., Alan G. Vitters, and Howard T. Prince. "Coeducation at West Point." Armed Forces & Society 4.4 (1978): 589-606.Watch this podcast on YouTube and Omissions: 1) Women entered West Point in 1976, to graduate with the class of 1980. 2) Howard was sent to Vietnam in Oct of 1967 and was wounded for the second time in February of 1968 during the Tet Offensive in the battle to retake Hue.

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022

In this episode of Management Muse, we’re joined by Welela Tereffe, the Chief Medical Executive at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Welela talks about strengthening culture in a large organization and what a healthy work culture looks like. Welela also shares how the pandemic taught her the importance of narrative in bringing together people and improving work culture. Finally, Welela shares how COVID caused people to reprioritize their life’s goals and strengthen their gratitude practices. Welela explains that by openly and consistently communicating with employees in times of uncertainty, you build trust and strengthen an organization’s culture. Episode Highlights:Systems and processes sometimes erect unnecessary obstacles for employees.In times of uncertainty, managerial support is more important than ever.There’s immense cultural power in story and narrative.An intentional gratitude practice confers many benefits.Allow employees to correct from mistakes and well-intentioned errors.Timestamps: [1:41] How to impact the culture in a large organization.[2:20] The challenges to instilling a good culture in an organization.[5:05] The most surprising thing Welela learned about culture as a leader.[12:23] The benefits of verbalizing gratitude to one another in an organization.[14:42] The stigma around receiving mental health care, and how it could be overcome.[15:47] Anderson Cancer Center's 'Code Lavender' and 'Code Blue' for managing the mental health of teams.[23:30] Conflicts at MD Anderson Cancer Center, and how they deal with them even in a virtual setting.[28:41] What does it mean to go the extra mile for patients and employees? Welela talks about MD Anderson’s initiatives for employees and patients during the pandemic.[33:16] MD Anderson’s two-part wellness strategy: address all problems, make sure people feel cared for.[35:48] It takes more than four positive interactions to counteract a negative one—the impact of negativity bias.[39:18] Assume good intent; the vast majority of the people want to learn if they're missing the mark at work.[42:36] Welela explains why, after the COVID pandemic, MD Anderson’s employee engagement scores shot up.[44:55] Ramping up employee care and well-being at MD Anderson Cancer Center.[46:18] Key points we've learned from Welela today. Episode Quote from Welela Tereffe: “I think the first thing is to recognize that culture drives everything else, so you have to be thinking about it, talking about it, and moving it forward. You've heard the saying that culture eats strategy for lunch. It eats everything else for breakfast: employee engagement in hospitals, and patient experience. And so much of how we feel about going to work every day is a reflection of our shared norms and behaviors and our sense of engagement on mission. And that's all about culture.” About Welela Tereffe: Welela Tereffe, M.D., is the Chief Medical Executive at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. She’s a graduate of Brown University, New York University Medical School, and Harvard University. Her medical specialization is in radiation oncology. Episode Resources: this podcast on YouTube

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022

Are you the kind of person who tries to optimize your decisions, but then often ends up regretting your choice because you might have missed something better? This means you are probably a maximizer. Or are you the kind of person who decides quickly and confidently, and then seldom looks back on decisions with regret? You are probably a satisficer. In this episode of Management Muse, we're joined by Spencer Fraseur, Cindi and Geoff’s nephew, and a doctoral candidate in management at the University of Texas at Arlington. In this episode, the Muse dives into the difference between maximizers and satisficers, and explores the work implications of each decision-making style. Episode Highlights:In organizations, maximizers may be most beneficial in the early stages of decision-making because they are thorough researchers.In organizations, satisficers may be most beneficial in the later stages of decision-making because they are excellent at putting the research down and selecting an option.While maximizers and satisficers can drive each other nuts, understanding the styles can help coworkers work more effectively together and better appreciate what each brings to the table.When selecting decision-makers on a particular topic, weigh the importance of the decision because the time spent researcher may be overkill for most decisions, where good enough would have, in fact, been good enough.Timestamps: [5:13] The three main factors that distinguish Maximizers and Satisficers.[8:36] An example of how a Satisficer and how a Maximizer view opportunities.[12:46] How a Maximizer’s extensive research and negotiation ability helps them optimize their decisions.[14:42] A Satisficer’s ability to speed up the decision-making process and stick with a choice.[22:44] How to speed up your decision-making process as a Maximizer.[23:26] How to make better decisions as a Satisficer.[26:19] How Maximizers and Satisficers can collectively make better decisions at work.[36:25] How a Maximizer might accidentally send a Satisficer the message that they don’t trust them.About Spencer Fraseur: Spencer James Fraseur is a doctoral candidate in management at the University of Texas at Arlington. His first book, The Irrational Mind, won the Royal Dragonfly Book Award in 2020. Episode Resources: Maximizing Versus Satisficing: Happiness Is a Matter of ChoiceThe Irrational Mind – Book by Spencer Fraseur available on Goodreads and Amazon this podcast on YouTube Reference: Schwartz, B., Ward, A., Monterosso, J., Lyubomirsky, S., White, K., & Lehman, D. R. (2002). Maximizing versus satisficing: happiness is a matter of choice. Journal of personality and social psychology, 83(5), 1178.

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